We rely on you for the feedback that will help us improve. Please let us know your thoughts and suggestions as we move forward together.
We aim to reply as quickly as possible from Monday to Friday, and we will do our best to answer all your questions within 48 hours. Just send us an email to get in touch at
Office in Copenhagen
AM Denmark A/S
Flæsketorvet 60
1711 Copenhagen V
CVR no.: 76957118
I want to become a retailer
No problem. Write is an email, and we will send you in the right direction depending on where you're located. We have distribution partners covering the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
If you're interested in doing a collaboration, or looking to do customised AM products, we can do both. Write us an email at
Design and product proposals
If you have an idea for a design or product that you find suitable for us to include in our care and music accessory range, please send a message to: